Line of Departure

Musings of a US Army reservist and China expat deployed to Iraq

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 145: Mr. Culturally Sensitive

So, I thought I would be a good citizen, try and contribute something besides misery to the Iraqi military community that I'm a part of, and get a little cross-cultural exchange going, so I invited the Iraqis to the Army 10-Mile race that I'm running in tomorrow.  The Band commander also was very interested to do some sort of music exchange with them, so I suggested that as well.
As I finished chatting with the Deputy Commander, another truck with my pals, LT Mohammed and the medic, "Doc" SA, pulled up.  I said hello, then asked them if they had eaten yet.  They both said no.  I asked them if they wanted to get some lunch (and added, "with lots of ice cream")  Doc SA says, almost regretfully, "Sorry, I am fasting." 
Doh.  I knew that, but it didn't process.  I felt like a dick.


  1. Ramadan. I have a niece and two nephews who are observing this right now. One just started as a freshman at UVM (Vermont). Their dining halls don't open early enough for him to get food into his system after sunrise. Guess the world is going to have to change. Sounds like you're coming home soon. Wishing you well from all of us at Tuck. Stay well hydrated for the race! Dave

  2. Christine just did an amazing ten-mile hike, with the weight of three cameras. But she's hiking, in a shady day up in Alaska; you're running, in the desert. Yes, stay hydrated, I concur. Be well!

