Line of Departure

Musings of a US Army reservist and China expat deployed to Iraq

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bank of China sucks!

So, like many Chinese banks that are threatened with foreign banks entering the market (or just want to tap expat customers), my local bank, Bank of China, has set up an English language website for online banking.  It sucks in so many ways.  The cursor not changing to a different icon when you hover over something clickable, the fact that passwords using capital letters mysteriously freeze the system, the bad English translation, etc.

The last time I was on, I noticed that some hacker had apparently felt the same way as me and took out his frustration by adding a little bit of editorial comment to the landing page after log-in.  I had a good laugh and then forgot about it.  Tonight, about 2 months after seeing that, I logged in again and IT'S STILL UP THERE!  The funniest thing about this is that someone's job is to watch this site or maintain it.

Oh well, here's the screen shot for sh*ts and giggles.

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