Line of Departure

Musings of a US Army reservist and China expat deployed to Iraq

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Blogger's block?

I have been stricken by a weird sort of writer's block over the past several months.  Growing up, I kept a journal (dozens of these stashed in my parents' homes).  I write trip reports whenever I travel.  I blogged every few days when I was deployed on Line of D.  And up until recently, I regularly blogged on my company's website.  But strangely, I have been unable to blog lately.  I think it's that the idea of catching up seems overwhelming, so I don't know where to start and then I don't want to.

So, even though it's midnight and I'm jetlagged, I'm going to quit putting it off (at least on my personal blog) and update with what's gone on in the past couple months.  Forgive me for being so mechanical and bullet-like, but this is after all, also a personal record of eventful moments, so I'd rather be cryptic than forget to record something down at all.

1. I became an uncle again!  CEC or "He Who Is Powerful In Battle" was born a big baby on May  to my big bro.  He actually was born unnamed and L asked us to weigh in on the options.  The shortlist was: Callan, Cory, Toby, and Milo.  It was an easy choice for me, especially when I found out it was a Gaellic name with some serious badass meaning.  This was made more fun when my dad declared in an enthusiastic email that his grandson was "well endowed". Anyhow, his sister loves him and I got to see this on Skype recently when I called in for her birthday and got to see her holding him.  

2. I went to Germany to do my annual military duty.  My reserve unit has been on Schofield Barracks in Hawaii.  But before I went to Iraq, my slot was eliminated and I had to find a new one.  I put off finding a new unit because the Iraq tour covered me for 2 years, but eventually I had to look and I ended up finding a unit in Germany.  It had been 10 years since I had been back to continental Europe and I really enjoyed being in Southern Germany.  On the other hand, my job sucked because no one really knew I was coming, so I had to make work for myself and it was tough to get people to just give me stuff to do.  On the positive note, the light workload meant that I could actually continue to keep the business chugging along back in China.  A special treat was meeting up with and hanging out with my buddy Sven, whom I knew (and lived with for a short while) when I lived here 10 years ago.  I visited him and his girlfriend Meike in Munich and they really took me out to see this beautiful city.  The downside of Germany was getting 6, yes, count 'em, 6 speeding tickets in 3 weeks.

3. Came back to Shanghai for 2 days and then went to the US for my 15th yr college reunion and good friend's bachelor party.  The reunion was nice -- like last time's (the 10th), but with fewer classmates and lots of rugrats running around.  People still cool.  I got to see Candice and catch up.  Also found out that our year is still famous as the year of the murder-suicide at Dunster.  Then after the reunion weekend, old college pals Jaime and Joe and I went for our annual road trip.  This was pretend to be a bachelor party, but actually was a mellow guy's weekend out.  We went up to NH, where Joe charmed my in-laws and we made a blood donation to the mosquito gods, hiked around, and then went back to Boston.  There we took in a Sox game (they lost).  It was good fun.

4. My business issue of the week is dealing with a trademark claim.  Rather, someone has "my" trademark and is now trying to take over my website legally.  Fortunately, my stepbro is a lawyer in Beijing and is guiding me through the response.  Still, now we have to file defensively and it's still a pain in the ass to jump through all the hoops.

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