Line of Departure

Musings of a US Army reservist and China expat deployed to Iraq

Monday, March 5, 2012

Lost my top guy

It was too good to be true. My life has been improved immensely for the past 4 months ever since LB joined the company as our operations manager. Interestingly, he was originally our client and brought us on for a testing project. He must have liked what he saw because he started asking me a lot of questions, we had tea a few times, and then he offered to join us for a 3 month trial period.

LB is one of those do-it-all guys. Dedicated, hard-working, resourceful... despite not having any indoor air quality or environmental background (he's a facilities manager by trade), he managed to take care of any task put in front of him.

Unfortunately, he just couldn't find the passion for this job and when we sat down to talk after his probationary period, he said he didn't feel that there was anything special he was adding that a strong administrator could not do. I told him that he was a valuable member and offered him both equity, revenue sharing, and a bump up in pay, but he gave notice a few days ago.

I know we'll leave on good terms, but I am still very sorry to see him go. I have made it his priority to find his replacement. So, if any of you know of someone Chinese who is any of these things, please let me know!

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