Line of Departure

Musings of a US Army reservist and China expat deployed to Iraq

Thursday, June 11, 2009


For the past 3 weeks, I've been trying to get in on the Chief of Staff's calendar.  It's been ridiculously difficult.  Part of the reason is because he has a gatekeeper adjutant who guards his time like it's gold.  Probably a good thing he has that. Plus, I've been busy enough without having to go ask for more things to do.
So I finally went in today and sat down with him.  We talked about priorities, all in all, he was pretty supportive and interested.  There was one thing which made it hard for me to concentrate though.
When I first arrived in the room, he was with someone else.  Didn't recognize him.  Looked like a generic mid-grade officer.  CPT, MAJ, or LTC.  White, average height, glasses, unremarkable. 
I waited outside and after a few minutes, he left.  When I went in, I had a seat and there was a coffee table there.  On it was a PPT slide with some text on it and some notes on the sides.  I didn't really pay attention, but my subconscious did.  It was a sign that had been posted in the latrines (bathroom) in each stall that said, "Please take care of this place, etc. etc."  Anyways, people get bored and write on those.  I myself was carrying on a bit of dialogue.  It's kind of fun.  You write and then you come back a day or two later and there's more community input.  Kind of like a Toilet Wiki.  Yeah, low tech, but effective.
Anyhow, yesterday, it disappeared.  I was pretty disappointed, since the conversations were increasing along different threads.  I assumed that they had all been taking down. 
Only after my meeting with the Chief did I realize that the sign that was on his coffee table (and probably the topic of his discussion with the poor dude before me) was none other than the one I'd been drawing on!  I am trying to think, but I really don't think there was anything explosive -- (no pun intended).  No names, no vulgarity, no dirty drawings.  Pretty highbrow as far as graffiti goes.
So, that is the big mystery that will haunt me.  Maybe on the last day that I leave here, I'll ask him what it was that got it selectively removed and turned into an asschewing accelerant.
So high school.  So fun.

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