Line of Departure

Musings of a US Army reservist and China expat deployed to Iraq

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Day 99: Lives lost for what?

Sorry, haven't blogged in awhile, haven't been in a terrific mood. Several nights ago, we lost 3 soldiers in a rocket attack.

These guys were not on patrol, they were not going into insurgent territory, and our base is not in a controversial location (in a city). They were just like you and me, probably getting ready to go eat late dinner, take a shower, go workout, or standing around talking about what they're going to do when they get back home.

Then, some insurgents who liked life the way it was before, fired off 5 rockets from outside the camp walls. 4 hit within the camp footprint. They were unusually accurate or lucky this time.

One hit near the living area, and those guys were gone. How do you tell their families that is how they died?

We need to quit "liberating" countries where we sink billions of dollars into the government, sheiks, and militaries, only to have celebrations when we leave (but keep the dollars coming, please) and where people watch insurgent cowards indiscriminately shoot at us from cover of night. And now we have our hands tied when we want to defend ourselves.

Just my personal opinion of course.


  1. I'm concerned for your welfare because this happened in your camp. But more than that, I'm really sorry to hear this. I can only imagine, sadness and frustration definitely accompanies any fear that you feel.

    It just tough when it hits that close to home.

  2. Hi Louie,

    I'm sorry to hear that your unit suffered a loss. You have our sympathy.
