Line of Departure

Musings of a US Army reservist and China expat deployed to Iraq

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

You know you've been married too long when...

So what's the only case in which you can live down forgetting your wedding anniversary?

... when your spouse also forgets!

Sad, but true.  I came back from jiujitsu practice as usual, pretty late, and Sarah greeted me with a smile and a "Happy Anniversary, Dear".  My mouth dropped open, a few choice words came to mind, and since I can keep no secrets from her after over 15 years together, I admitted that I had totally forgotten.  Normally, this would have sent me to matrimonial purgatory, but she cheerfully admitted that she only remembered that afternoon when her mother emailed her to wish her well.  That's how I know I married the right woman -- who else would have let me off that easily??

These days, I put everything in my calendar.  If it's not there, I forget it.  It's a modern day crutch that helps me to function by letting me only remember what I have to (hence the Far Side cartoon).  Anyone else do this?

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