Line of Departure

Musings of a US Army reservist and China expat deployed to Iraq

Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 121: The other shoe drops

Someone broke into my room last night between 11pm and 1am when I was at the gym.  They didn't take too much -- my mobile phone, and oddly, a bathroom squeegee and some toothbrushes.  The impact though was the big hit.  I feel angry, disappointed, and most of all, betrayed.  The timing tells me that clearly it was not an outsider, but someone who knew I was out.  Chances are good that it was one of the young bunch that my former roommate hung out with.  They had been in the room and were able to explain why they'd be inside the outside door.
When I realized it, there wasn't much I could do last night.  This morning, I woke up early and hoped to find Gen Falah, who I am familiar with.  He wasn' t around, so I found the deputy instead, a COL Nazzi.  His response was as I hoped -- he was mad and got the security officer and ordered an investigation. 
I haven't gotten the official outbrief yet, but I dropped in at noon to supervise the lock replacement (they busted the lock).  Someone wandered by and mentioned that the "investigation" hadn't revealed anything.  I'm not counting on getting my phone back (though getting all the numbers and notes that I've stored on there over the years would be worth it).  But, I do want a precedent set so that there will be some sort of deterrent from this happening again.
Guess I am the bounteous breasts for this Iraqi military to suckle at....


  1. I'm vicariously super pissed for you. "Give me DVD" was bad enough but this is over the top. I hope they do find and punish this to create a deterrent. Honestly, a severe beatdown would set a much better precedent but I'm supposing that's out of order in creating a positive brand for the US military.

  2. Wow, busting the lock to take some toothpaste and the cell, but not your laptop? Is that all you have in the room? Maybe it's the beef jerky that lurked...

    No secure info inside that cell (pin numbers), I hope. Small potato then; at least you're not hurt or robbed.
