Line of Departure

Musings of a US Army reservist and China expat deployed to Iraq

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I had looked forward all day to being able to get to the single wireless point where I could call Sarah on Skype and catch up. I got there after dinner -- a simple open shack with stools and tables. Paid for my internet time and then struggled with connecting. Finally connected and called her. Woke her up, and then the connection was so bad (probably because of congested bandwidth), but we only understood about half of what the other person was saying and eventually both got frustrated and angry by having to repeat, "WHAT?".

I hope she just gets a computer at home so that we can chat -- I know she hates chat, but it is better than email.

Also, I'll never get another computer without a trackball. I freaking hate mouse touchpads, because I am someone who has their palms flat on the computer when I type and doing that with a touchpad makes the cursor jump all over the place. I slow way down and get really frustrated.

Sorry to vent. Thanks for listening.


  1. Haha, spoken like a true Lenovo/IBM guy ;) Too bad I missed you on the phone, but it's nice being able to follow your blog.

    Stay cool! (It's currently about 45 degrees in Ithaca, New York. I'm still cold at night...)


  2. Sorry to hear C. Such a bummer when you're looking forward to something and it doesn't work because of something external. We've got mom on email so that's hope you can get Sarah on chat.

    And totally agreed. I rely on the trackball / thumb mouse exclusively. It's natural for where one's hands rest on the keyboard.
